Friday, April 4, 2014


We started very early this morning shivering in the snow as we wiped it off the suburban and made our way to the airport.  We were there by 4 am, so started out tired.  Flights weren't exactly on time, but we all made it to Port au Prince on the same plane in the end.  The airport was chaotic as expected and poor John, who was looking after our hospital equipment like a hawk, got pulled into customs where they opened at least 20 totes and suitcases.  It all passed inspection and we proceeded to pile the suitcases in a truck along with some of the team.  The rest of the team got another truck and a few lucky folks got the van.
Most of the group leaving from Omaha.

Port au Prince

The "Paddywagon".  Just new last Novermber.  We rode on benches along the sides and had our carry ons with us. 

Loading the equipment truck.

Our surgical equipment trucks. 

Loading the equipment.

Waiting to load in the airport parking lot.

Back of the "Paddywagon".  Laci, Mary, Mark (Audiologist), Cole, Kelsey, Molly L to R.
Rt side Lt to Rt. Kate, John, Kevin, Kim, Wendie, Megan, Cambra (?) and Vanessa.  The empty spot was for Novotny's

We had riders in the equipment truck.  They had the best breeze. 
We drove north along the ocean for about 1 1/2 hours or so and pulled up at Pierre Payen about dark.  No more pictures today.  We ate a good supper, spaghetti, salad, bread, Hershey's chocolate for dessert (there goes my diet).  Then we unloaded all the totes.  We'll unpack after breakfast in the morning.  We all go tour work assignments and looked around the hospital.  Overall a good day with no real problems.

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