Thursday, April 10, 2014


It was our last day and night here.  Surgery went well and was cut short by a baby to sick to have surgery and one no show.  It didn't break my heart totally since we've put in such long days and I was giving a talk to the nurses this afternoon.  There were 45 in attendance.  I gave a basic ENT talk.  They served lunch, we had handouts and a slideshow (translated into French).  Dr. Jovin, the ENT from Port translated for me and I was allowed to present our $4000 worth of nursing books to be placed in the library.  They want to be careful that the books don't disappear.  I had to admit to Joe that I secretly gave one to a nursing student who was the granddaughter of my mastoidectomy patient.  Joe was fine with that.  The nurses were like sponges paying attention to everything I presented and trying to get the best copy of the handout.
Educational seminar.

Dr. Jovin, ENT, Dr. Louve (sp?) director of education and Dr. Novotny presenting the books. 
Surgery went well.  Laci got to help with anesthesia for awhile.
Laci doing anesthesia.
We gave some equipment to the hospital and to Dr. Jovin.  Much of it was donated by a Medial Equipment company.  Dr. Jovin gave me a plate with the Cetidel.
Dr. Novotny with Dr. Jovin with a sign of Thank You to Mobile Instruments who donated the equipment. 

The cleft that canceled because her lungs weren't good enough. 
We ended the day by going to the ocean and having a foot washing and then discussion of the trip.  We took photos, but mine didn't turn out, so I'll have to post another time. We'll be up by 5 am and on the truck by 5:30 so it will be a long day coming home.  Port, Ft. Lauderdale, Dallas, Omaha.  Home by nightfall. 
All in all it was a very good trip.  There were the usual frustrations that go along with something totally outside your comfort zone.  Then add the heat and long hours, but also the rewards of the people we met, people we helped and some who we couldn't help.  There are some amazing things going on down here and it is a beautiful country.  We had chances to see the area and the ocean and get to know a lot of other mission workers.  Many of these leave us feeling totally inadequate in comparison to the huge commitment made by them, but we've done the best we could.  Signing off for now.  Homebound tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anne said...

I admire your devotion! I would love to join a team someday! Where can I find more information?