Thursday, April 6, 2017


We are off to a slow start.  Apparently there were storms yesterday in Atlanta and stalled out the flights so here we are in the airport WAITING. Patiently?  We will miss our connecting flight now for sure unless it is also delayed. We may end up in Atlanta overnight and possibly two nights. We had planned to visit a couple of clinics and hospitals in Port Au Price with a couple of Haitian doctors I've worked with so this is very disappointing to me but it's out of our control so we remember that flexibility has always been the word of the day on these missions. 

We decided it would be a good photo op at Eppley airfield so here we are. The T shirts turned our really good. 

                           Kevin H.       Lisa H.                Tracy J.     Nila N.        John N.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the shirts !