Friday, April 7, 2017


We made I here finally around 3 PM to Port Au P airport. We were met by Scott T who is a McGyver from Omaha. Bill was here looking hot and tired. He's headed back to Columbus tomorrow and says he feels like he should stay another week there is so much more to do. They for a much better water delivery system. We're looking forward to good showers. 
I took a couple pictures from the hospital I'll post below. We are all hot, tired and safely to our compound in Pierre Payen. 
The hospital laundry.
The x-Rey machine. 
We emptied a clinic (storage) room and moved in our totes. Tomorrow we'll organize. I think there is an operating microscope. It was covered up but with the one we brought last time we may have one in the OR and the clinic. Can't get much better than that. 
We're now sitting visiting with Dave and Namdar. 

Thoughts from LIsa:  Wow, exciting, interesting, eye-opening, HOT, and many other feelings I'm experiencing.  First time out of the country!  - Lisa


Unknown said...

Glad you made it...finally. Can't wait for more posts. Stay safe. Wish I was there!

Unknown said...

Great to see you are there. Stay safe! Wish I was there :(.