Bill is a retired I.T Professional, general handyman and has worked with Habitat for Humanity a few times and done some construction and remodeling for his home and other properties. We've known Bill for several years at Federated Church and he's heard of our missions. He feels blessed with his life and asked if he could join us so he could give back.
Here's the first update from Bill.
Friday 3/30 Dave I and I arrived in Port au Prince about 11:00am. We stayed in the airport awaiting arrival of remaining team members. At around 3 pm after all the team had arrived we departed for Pierre Payen.
The mission house. |
Evening was get acquainted time for newbies. There are 7 on the construction crew.
The dining room/meeting room |
Saturday we started the projects. There was a trip to get supplies.
I felt like the Beverly Hillbillies with the truck loaded down.
There was a trip for supplies as indicated by the photos.
Sunday Haitian workers helped dig a trench under the driveway to run new water lines while several of the group attended church.
We are working on electrical and some plumbing issues.
The work progressed on the water project with some malfunctions including a couple of pipe ruptures. - Bill R.
Water and electricity have been an ongoing problem, not only at our mission at Pierre Payen, but throughout the country so we continue to work on infrastructure.