Thursday, April 13, 2017


We had a very big day today. May start a new residency Ortho/ENT. 
The day was filled with big thyroids.  The tall guy in back is Dr. Anthony - Orthopedics. Dr. Felix is Haitian ENT. Dr. Joe Miller is watching. To round out our team is Kim J. Far left and me with the headlight.
This is Dr. Anthony closing with Dr. Felix. We also had our other Ortho resident help on the second, more difficult case. I will have to dig up a photo of that since I don't think either have scrubbed for a thyroid for a very long time. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


It was a fairly busy day. Ortho had a big case that needs a pathologist so I'm bringing some back for testing.
Ortho at work with the big case of the day. 

This is Tyler cooper, Ortho resident. That's me on the right. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all residents to engage in mission work during residency. It forces you to think outside the boX and tests your skills IN SO MANY AREAS. Shout out to the Haitian people who have been so hospitable, as always. Shout out to Emily and Marybeth.

What's up everyone.  My name is Travis Anthony.  I'm a fourth year orthopedic resident from Temple, Tx.  I'm the strikingly handsome one on the right, right next to the knucklehead in the foreground...Cooper.  What you are seeing in the picture above is us doing a large tumor resection from the leg of a young Hatian male.  Despite being challenged by being in a third world country, the case went well thanks to a large team of amazing people who made it possible.  Included in those are our scrub tech Kim, circulating nurse Alisha, PA student Lindsey, and our anesthesia crew of Sheila, Ming, and Ben.  This has been an incredible week full of some very low lows, but these have not been overshadowed by the numerous highs.  Despite missing our spouses and children back home, it has been a week well spent!
Thanks to my guest bloggers Tyler and Travis. We'll miss that Texas accent! NN

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Today is the day of rest. Palm Sunday. At least half the team still is not here so everything is hung up. Orthopedic surgeons came last night as well as our general surgeon. There is always trauma so the did a femur fracture that is several days old and are doing a wrist no. There is s broken shoulder around here somewhere too.

I saw a child with a draining neck mass that may be TB but the lab is closed till tomorrow so they are coming back then. John has got the microscope set up and repaired and I've met with the Haitian ENT doctors who are spending several days with me.  The first to arrive came by bus from Port Au P yesterday.

Dr. Felix, Dr. Daurisca and me at the ocean. 
The shoreline. 

A banana plant 

Saturday, April 8, 2017


We got a lot done today in terms of organization.
Pierre Payen has two hospitals. The old public (totally indigent) hospital that was really bad, now has been refurbished and we're moving clinic across the road.
For som reason I can't load photos tonight so I'll try FB.

Friday, April 7, 2017


We made I here finally around 3 PM to Port Au P airport. We were met by Scott T who is a McGyver from Omaha. Bill was here looking hot and tired. He's headed back to Columbus tomorrow and says he feels like he should stay another week there is so much more to do. They for a much better water delivery system. We're looking forward to good showers. 
I took a couple pictures from the hospital I'll post below. We are all hot, tired and safely to our compound in Pierre Payen. 
The hospital laundry.
The x-Rey machine. 
We emptied a clinic (storage) room and moved in our totes. Tomorrow we'll organize. I think there is an operating microscope. It was covered up but with the one we brought last time we may have one in the OR and the clinic. Can't get much better than that. 
We're now sitting visiting with Dave and Namdar. 

Thoughts from LIsa:  Wow, exciting, interesting, eye-opening, HOT, and many other feelings I'm experiencing.  First time out of the country!  - Lisa


We stood in line and now are heading to Port Au P. Will miss the tour of Port but gay there today instead of tomorrow 

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Tornados, small earthquake and collapsed bridge translated into delay from Omaha and missing our flight to Port au P.  We are settled in Atlanta and don't have a flight till Saturday so it puts us two days behind. 


We are off to a slow start.  Apparently there were storms yesterday in Atlanta and stalled out the flights so here we are in the airport WAITING. Patiently?  We will miss our connecting flight now for sure unless it is also delayed. We may end up in Atlanta overnight and possibly two nights. We had planned to visit a couple of clinics and hospitals in Port Au Price with a couple of Haitian doctors I've worked with so this is very disappointing to me but it's out of our control so we remember that flexibility has always been the word of the day on these missions. 

We decided it would be a good photo op at Eppley airfield so here we are. The T shirts turned our really good. 

                           Kevin H.       Lisa H.                Tracy J.     Nila N.        John N.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Bill is a retired I.T Professional, general handyman and has worked with Habitat for Humanity a few times and done some construction and remodeling for his home and other properties. We've known Bill for several years at Federated Church and he's heard of our missions.  He feels blessed with his life and asked if he could join us so he could give back.

Here's the first update from Bill.
Friday 3/30 Dave I and I arrived in Port au Prince about 11:00am. We stayed in the airport awaiting arrival of remaining team members. At around 3 pm after all the team had arrived we departed for Pierre Payen.
The mission house.

Evening was get  acquainted time for newbies.  There are 7 on the construction crew.
The dining room/meeting room

Saturday we started the projects.  There was a trip to get supplies.
I felt like the Beverly Hillbillies with the truck loaded down.  

There was a trip for supplies as indicated by the photos.

Sunday Haitian workers helped dig a trench under the driveway to run new water lines while several of the group attended church.  

We are working on electrical and some plumbing issues.
The work progressed on the water project with some malfunctions including a couple of pipe ruptures. - Bill R.

Water and electricity have been an ongoing problem, not only at our mission at Pierre Payen, but throughout the country so we continue to work on infrastructure.