I haven't had reliable internet for any length of time so have had trouble posting. Also, my trusty Eye Fi card didn't seem to work for a couple days. If you haven't heard about it, I will do a little advertising here. It's an SD card for any old digital camera that links to your smartphone or laptop, etc. It's like a miracle. I can take the pictures on my camera, then load them on my phone and post much better quality pictures. I don't remember where I heard about it, but I'm glad to have it. Most of the photos you see here are from my good camera and a few were taken on my phone. Go to http://www.eyefi.com
I bought mine at Radio Shack in Columbus.
I'll finish up with a couple more Chitwan pictures then do a Buddha and Living Goddess post and an earthquake post, then a Kathmandu earthquake and team post.
We got to feed the elephants a "sandwich" made from high protein, healthy stuff wrapped in grass. This is me feeding one. I actually touched it's tongue. It was softer than I expected.
This is John doing the same.
Then we took off for the Crocodile breeding center in a canoe. We drove upstream about 15 minutes to get in the canoes. I think they are made from a single log.
It was about 30 minutes downstream. A very gentle ride in what seemed to be fairly shallow water.
The crocodiles are endangered so they breed and raise them till they are 6 years old.

The Gharial crocodile is the breed.
They had about 8-10 pens of different ages.
These were yearlings.
That night we saw some native Tharu dancers. They came to our villa to perform for us. I bought a tambourine from one of them for Rylan to play with.
They did a stick dance that I think Lynnette or Barb could use.
Then they had us join with them. It was fun, but steamy hot.
I'll post this and see if it loads.