Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday night

Hi, everyone,   We are done at the hospital!  We went to church this morning, ate lunch and then went to the hospital for a few smaller surgeries.  An 8 man construction team from southern California arrived and went to the hospital.  They were a big help when we loaded up totes to come back to the compound.  The weather today was finally HOT with humidity but for the most part has been pleasant.  We have definitely made friendships at the hospital with the Nicaraguan nurses and there were some tearful good byes when we left. 
Rich and Melissa will be leaving tomorrow and those of us still here will split up and either sort and organize totes, go with the construction crew, or go to a farm to help mix manure.  We do not really know what that will entail but Dean and I have signed on for that job.  We will be at home with that job considering we have so much to clean up with the horses! 
Hope Sue and Karl arrived home safely.  We miss them!  The rest of us will be leaving Wed. for Managua and will fly home on Thurs.  Sad to leave here but will be anxious to get home.     Carolyn

1 comment:

eyephysician's said...

Dear Rest of the team,
What an amazing feat you have all done this past several days. God has got to be so happy you are serving His people in this way. We are inspired by all of your good deeds for these people. blessngs to you all as you travel home. We will be in touch when you get here. God Bless you abundantly. Kathy Shemek