Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Before I forget you can look at some

other blogs from here if you are interested. We have real live media people here that are taking tons of pictures, most of which I haven't seen yet, but are extremely good. The various sites are: google mission_focused, or Josh Newton Facebook. We did 15 clefts the first 2 days, today we've finished 5 cases, including a large venous malformation of the lower lip. I did an alveolar fistula alone. Dr. Rob Glade from OU and I are working at one table so trade off 1/2 of each case. He does the clefts in Oklahoma. Dr. Lisa Buckmiller, U of Arkansas is the lead surgeon and brought a resident. The General surgeon is doing about 10 hernias a day and a few other miscellaneous stuff, OBGYN is doing a variety of things and the clinic line is farther than I can see.

I need to get back so will post some pictures. I'll try the thyroid we DIDN'T do, before and after and some of the crowd. The red striped pants denote which tribe or village you are from I think.
Rest assured I did NOT go to exercise today. NN

1 comment:

Ashley Carstens said...

Woah! That is a huge ?goiter? Well we dont do thyroids oh my floor so I have no idea what that is but it looks bad. Are you doing other stuff besides just clefts, like that neck thing? Hope youre having a good time, Mom and Dad both. Thanks for the posts! Love you