Sunday, September 18, 2011


We're setting up to go on a new mission. This will be a Cleft Lip and Palate team along with a General Surgery Team and ancillary personel under the agency Iaomai. I was invited to join the Cleft team from Little Rock, Arkansas after doing some additional training there last year in anticipation of the Nicaragua trip. The training was immensely helpful and triggered and enthusiasm for doing clefts, perhaps because it's something I can't do in Columbus. At any rate I couldn't pass up the opportunity to join them. We are going to Huehuetenango, Guatemala in October. It looks like a large team, around 70 people with 4 cleft surgeons working together. I don't know all the working conditions, but it is up in the mountains, the Guatemala Highlands, so won't be as hot as Nicaragua. It is working with the impoverished indigenous people of Maya descent. There are Mayan ruins that we will get to visit at the end of the trip. They say we will be escorted in by the army with guns and all....... I'm not sure if that's good or bad. The organization seems to be well organized and we aren't responsible for all the instruments, medications, etc. We have to take sleeping bags, pillows and towels. There will be hot water 3 hrs in the morning and 3 hrs in the evening. They have sent a very specific itinerary and packing list including what to pack on top and bottom of your suitcase. They seem to have a lot of experience with this, so it's reassuring. Iaomai's website is if you are interested in finding out more about it. I don't think there will be much internet access, so we may not be able to blog from Huehue. John and I are the only ones from our Columbus team going as it's organized elsewhere and we are joining them. That doesn't preclude others from here going in the future. In the meantime, a portion of our team will join the California missionaries back in Puerto Cabezas again next February. They will update you as that gets closer.

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