We had our 2nd planning meeting for our next trip to Nicaragua at Sue and Karl Tillinghast's in Lincoln. The team has changed a little because we are joining the California team. Our team now consists of Dr. Nila and John Novotny, Dr. Peter Morin, Dean and Carolyn Athey, Sue and Karl Tillinghast, Connie Mohatt and Melissa Shemek. Dr. Morin is a Family Doctor from Lincoln who works with Sue. He's done other missions, but none like this.
We had a phone conference call with Suzie Smith from Redding, CA and got a lot of questions answered. Since we're combining we may not have to take as much equipment and supplies as we did last year. We learned alot.
We'll be having a spaghetti feed Thursday evening Dec. 9 and I'll be on the radio along with Connie Mohatt at 7 am, KLIR on Dec. 7th. Stay tuned! NN
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