Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's fun to see some followers! I came to work yesterday all ready to start calling one of the equipment reps who said we could use a special instrument for our trip and lo and behold there was a message from him saying he would be here with it on Wednesday. Now we can finalize more tubs of packing. Also, my daughter called and told me her sorority is having a t-shirt drive for our trip. I tried to tell her we were packed up to the gills, but couldn't say no, so we'll just have to stuff t-shirts into our carry ons, I guess. Maybe I'll wear 2 or 3 shirts on the plane! I also have been haunted by the lack of sheets at the orphanage HAT in Managua so will take a tub full of sheets for them and leave it with the Villa Esperanza in Managua so they can get it to the orphanage. I suspect PC could use sheets too. We've had some additional donations so we can take a couple more tubs. NN

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