Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tues. morning

Good Morning.  Sunday we went to church and then to the hospital to do a few smaller surgical cases.  Before we started, Rich gave us Nebraskans a very meaningful and heartfelt message.  We so appreciated that and everyone conveyed to him what a pleasure it was to work with him.  Packing went well and the construction team from California were a HUGE help with loading and unloading of totes.  
Monday some stayed to help organize totes for next year.  I was with the crew that went to Batanya (sp.) to help at the big farm Austin is helping to develop.  It is amazing and hopefully will teach some of the locals how to farm to feed their families as well as earn a living.  We pulled weeds for a few hours.  We did a lot but barely made a dent compared to all the work that needs to be done there.  The ride to and back from Batanya is an hour each way over horribly bumpy roads.  The highlight of the day was after lunch when Austin took us all to a private beautiful beach.  We saw fisherman in a small boat out in the Atlantic fishing with a net.  They came up to shore near us to pull in the nets which was a huge job only to find about a half dozen small fish and a couple crabs.  But they loaded up their nets and paddled back out to the rough waters to start again.  They were amazing.  
Time for breakfast and then off to the pier and muskito market.  Hi, Sue and Karl!  Hope you  had a safe trip home!

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