Friday, February 17, 2012

More time than I thought

I have a little more time than I thought so I will add a little. This trip has gone extremely well after we got over all the intial difficulties of gettiing our supplies and everyone here. We are planning on spending some of our fund raising dollars to get some food to the 115 children in the orphanage. We can buy 100 lbs of beans and 100 lbs of rice and some other staples. That will only feed them for a week or so but right now some meals are bread and milk. They are trying to house and educate these children and bring them up in a Christian atmosphere to have an impact on their community. It is so sad. The computer has found new life so we can again receive but not send emails. Best to all at home. More later.


John A. Novotny said...

Sounds like deterioration of the general area. Was hoping that the improved airport would help the community.

Karl, could I see your Nica drivers license? LOL

If you make it to Rio Coco, post some photos if you can.


John said...

Dean, I am so proud of all of you for doing what you are doing. I am saddened and not even in the midst of it all. How blessed those people are to have you all there. Best wishes as you continue to do your great work. One person at a time. Hang in there. I need to really appreciate what I have here in the USA. God Bless, Kathy