Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Somehow it seems like we've been here a week already.  We lost internet last night and this might not last long so I will be brief.  I did a cleft yesterday and 2 more gigantic thyroids.  Today was ear surgery. There were some misc. tonsils, tubes, etc. My last ear case didn't show up, so who knows what is with that.  We had 5 fetal demise yesterday and one live birth today so we aren't quite batting 1,000.  Fetal mortality is high, but I don't really know much about that.  There is talk of fixing the AC in the larger OR, so I'm optimistic about that. Sweat was dripping down to my waist when I took off my surgical gown yesterday and today. I'll throw in a few pictures, then sign off to go up and sit on the roof.  Everyone has found a niche.  There are frustrations and rewards everywhere.  Clinic is VERY busy and the hospital is VERY busy with us here.  Our seminar brought around 60 yesterday and 70 today, I think inspired by our desire to teach the nurses.
Sweating during surgery.  

Cleft before.

Cleft after repair.
We hiked up the nearby mountain after we finished surgery.  It's not a very big mountain, but you can see the ocean and coastline.  It's got a very nice breeze so calms down the heat nicely.  Beautiful view.

Kate, Linda and Mark on our walk up the mountain.

Kevin and Kim Harm

Linda Carlson showing her pictures to the kids who followed us up the mountain.

John D. with his new friend.

John, Kevin, Cole, Kim, John D. and friend before our little hike.
There don't seem to be many misquitos, but I wake up with bites every day.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. I am asked all the time if I have heard from you and I point them to your blog.